Thursday, December 27, 2012

Planning for Upcoming Next Year 2013

The end of the year is here! But as you kick back into chill mode and prepare to enjoy a well-deserved holiday, consider giving yourself a head start for 2013 by laying the preparation to give your personal brand a boost when the New Year rolls in.
Strategise now. If you put plans into place now, you’ll have a significant advantage in the beginning of the new calendar year and you’ll quickly be able to start implementing them to make a positive difference in your career. Define your personal branding and marketing objectives for 2013. Write them down. Do you want to enhance your visibility in the workplace? Do you want to position yourself as an expert in your field? Will your focus be on developing a network and focusing on mutually beneficial relationships?

Identify actions to support your objectives. When you know what you need to do, it’s much easier to act on it quickly and decisively. Spare yourself the time in 2013 and plan your personal branding and marketing to-do list now. If your objective is to position yourself as an expert in your field, find platforms to share your knowledge, such as articles in industry publications, speaking at trade events or writing a white paper. If you plan to build your online profile, investigate which social media platform will work best for you and develop a strategy to roll out as soon as you get back to work in 2013.

Focus on doing less, better. Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being efficient. Rather than dividing your attention between too many projects or goals and diluting your impact, focus on a handful of key opportunities and think how you can best showcase the value you add and highlight your strengths.

Schedule time to work on your goals. To ensure your goals don’t fall by the wayside in 2013, you’ll need to dedicate time to achieving them. If you want to focus on building your network, sign up for a relevant business group or industry body. If you plan to market your personal brand more efficiently, block out an afternoon every week in your diary to spend time focusing on activities that will help you accomplish this goal.

Invest in the necessary resources. It’s much easier to get the job done if you’ve got the right tools and support. Identify gaps in your skills and knowledge that may stand in the way of reaching your goals and find ways to fill these gaps, whether it means investing in a social media course, reading up on presentation skills during the holidays or finding a personal branding buddy so you ca help each other and keep one another accountable.

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